12-Part Figaro Insurance Guide – Published by Classicline Insurance
We understand that navigating the world of insurance for your beloved Figaro can present unique challenges, and we want you to know that you’re not alone in this journey. The Figaro Owners Club is here to support you as you tackle the intricacies of securing the right insurance for your cherished vehicle. From ensuring you have an ‘agreed value’ to evaluating your car’s security measures, these considerations are crucial not just for your policy rates, but for the overall safety of your Figaro. By taking proactive steps, you can not only potentially lower your insurance costs but also create a safer environment for your car, deterring any would-be thieves.
We are excited to introduce our new 12-part insurance series, crafted in collaboration with the experts at Classicline, designed specifically for Figaro owners like you. This series will provide you with invaluable insights and practical advice on every aspect of insuring your Figaro. Whether you are just starting your journey or have been a proud owner for years, this guide will help you navigate the insurance landscape with confidence.
We encourage you to engage with this new content. Together, we can preserve our beloved Figaro’s and ensure that we all enjoy the benefits of informed ownership. We have published the content so you can read it in order or simply jump into the topic to learn more.
1. What is an Agreed Valuation?
2. Multi-Vehicle Cover
3. Repairing your car following a collision
4. Driving into the EU
5. Modifications and Upgrades
6. How to get a quick and efficient insurance quote
7. Keeping up to date with market trends and valuations
8. Why should you insure your cherished vehicle with ClassicLine Insurance?
9. What is laid-up insurance cover?
10. Keeping your cherished vehicle secure from thieves
11. Winter Essentials
12. How to get the most out of your insurance ClassicLine Insurance – Road Tested
1 – What is an Agreed Valuation?
When you take out specialist classic vehicle insurance, you’ll want your policy to give you the best possible protection when it is needed most. At ClassicLine Insurance, we’ll not only help to keep you on the road with our UK and EU breakdown and recovery service included as standard, but we also want to ensure that you receive the true value of your car should you ever experience a total loss. This is by far the most important reason as to why Figaro Owners Club members should always insure with a specialist provider such as ClassicLine rather than a generic ‘high street’ or comparison site provider.
What is an agreed valuation cover?
In the unfortunate situation that your vehicle is written off following an accident, or your cherished car is stolen and unable to be recovered, the agreed value is the amount you would be paid when you make a claim (less any excesses). This agreed value is set within your insurance policy and agreed upon between you and your classic car insurer.
By obtaining an agreed valuation through the club’s valuation service, you’ll have the peace of mind that your pride and joy has been valued accurately and will therefore be insured at their true value. Without an agreed value, you could lose out on the true value of your car when it comes to making a claim.
How do you obtain an agreed valuation?
The process of getting your Figaro onto an agreed policy is not as complicated as most think. As the official Nissan Figaro Owners Club, the club is authorised to provide an insurance valuation certificate for your Figaro, a service which is available to members for just £16. Apply here
By supplying the club with the details of your vehicle and its current condition, along with recent colour images of your vehicle with the number plate clearly visible in at least one of the photos, the club will authorise the information and value the vehicle. Their expert valuation will take into consideration the vehicle’s heritage, rarity, and condition, as well as any modifications or upgrades invested into the car. This information is then passed on to us at ClassicLine, and we’ll ensure your cover is set up to reflect this value.
Agreed valuation is worth every minute spent should you ever experience a total loss, and it can also help save you money on your insurance premium. Not only that, with ClassicLine, you’ll have the option of salvage retention, and we can even insure your laid-up vehicles on an agreed valuation basis.
Key points to remember
- Be realistic with your valuation. True valuations provide a fair assessment of your car’s value, and insurers can compare valuations to current market values to ensure accuracy and fairness.
- If you choose not to provide any valuation details when insuring your vehicle, it will be insured at market value. In this instance, if you do subsequently need to make a claim, the value is then at the discretion of the insurance company’s consulting vehicle engineers.
- The period that your valuation is valid for can vary depending on your insurance provider. With ClassicLine, we require the valuation to be renewed every two years to ensure it is accurate and up to date.
The ClassicLine team is here to answer any questions you have about insuring on an agreed value basis, changing your vehicle’s valuation, or anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club scheme. Call ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk for further information. www.classiclineinsurance.co.uk
2 – Multi Vehicle Cover
Insuring your cherished vehicle with a specialist provider is a natural choice. Knowing that your pride and joy, your Figaro, is insured comprehensively at its true value, and by a supplier who shares your devotion to classic vehicles, is a reassuring feeling. So why not apply this same level of care and protection to all your vehicles, even to your day-to-day vehicle?
A multi vehicle policy with ClassicLine Insurance is by far the easiest and simplest way to ensure that all your vehicles are covered to the highest level possible. Encompassing a range of vehicles, from vintage and classic cars to imported or performance vehicles and even your daily driver, a multi vehicle policy will simplify your insurance experience.
Great for car collectors and owners of classic and modern cars alike, all your vehicles can be brought under one convenient renewal date and a single competitive premium. As with all of our policies, our team will find the best cover to suit your individual needs and usage, and you can be reassured in the knowledge that our same level of care, personal service, and comprehensive cover will be applied to all your vehicles.
Benefits of Multi-Vehicle Cover
- Designed with car collectors and owners of more than one vehicle in mind, a multi vehicle policy will bring all your vehicles under one single renewal date, reducing your admin time and saving money in the process. A discount is offered for more than one vehicle; in fact, the more vehicles you bring to us, the better your premium will become.
- Our multi vehicle policies offer the flexibility to incorporate classic cars, imported or performance vehicles, and any day-to-day vehicles that you and your spouse own. Each vehicle will be treated with the same high regard as your classic car and insured on a fully comprehensive basis.
- All ClassicLine vehicle policies include full UK and EU breakdown and recovery, legal expenses cover, salvage retention, and European cover for up to 90 days, so you’ll have peace of mind that whether you are running errands around town or enjoying one of the many Figaro Owners Club tours and events, help will be there when you need it.
- Agreed valuation cover is available for all qualifying classic and collectible vehicles. The Figaro Owners Club provides an excellent valuations service for members, and we’ll ensure your cover is set up to reflect this true value.
How does it work?
- Your multi-vehicle policy can be set up with just one vehicle to begin with. Other vehicles can then be added as they come up for renewal, resulting eventually in all your vehicles sitting under the same renewal date. You will then be sent a single renewal invite and discounted premium for all the vehicles incorporated in your multi-vehicle policy. Remember, the more vehicles incorporated, the better the premium becomes.
- If you have the renewal dates for your other vehicles to hand, just let us know. Our team will coordinate the renewals throughout the year and arrange your cover so you can enjoy the convenience of one policy, one renewal date, and one price to cover all your vehicles. Plus, with our option to renew online, you can finalise your renewal payment at a time that is convenient for you.
- If you are incorporating modern and day-to-day vehicles, you can accumulate a no claims bonus on these vehicles. Although it is worth noting that, as with all classic vehicle policies, you cannot earn a no claims bonus on classic cars.
No matter how many vehicles you choose to insure, you’ll always receive a personal and efficient service with ClassicLine. To simplify your insurance experience with a multi vehicle policy, or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club members insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
3 – Repairing your car following a collision
Having a damaged car is heartbreaking, especially when it is your cherished classic car. But accidents can happen, and it is important to understand your options when it comes to repairing your vehicle.
After the initial shock and emotions have subsided, and you have taken all the necessary steps to gather details of the accident and ensured that everyone is safe and well, attention will turn to getting your pride and joy back on the road. Depending on the damage and whether anyone else was involved, you may have to inform your insurer and start looking into getting your car repaired.
The benefit of insuring with a specialist such as ClassicLine Insurance is that there are a number of options available to you in the unfortunate situation that your car is damaged. As we appreciate the specialist nature of vintage, classic, and imported vehicles, we understand that mainstream garages may not have the skills to repair your vehicle to the standard required. Given the love and devotion you have invested in your car, classic car enthusiasts often prefer to use specialist repairers that are known and trusted. Sometimes, the best person to repair your car could even be yourself!
With options for using a SMART repairer, self-repair, or a repairer that specialises in the car you own, you can be reassured that our team will be there to support you.
Three key points to understand when getting your car repaired
- Consider a SMART repairer
If no other party is involved and the damage is very slight, it may be prudent to talk to a ‘SMART repairer’ first. A SMART repairer is a business or expert specialising in Small Medium Area Repair Technology.
There are a number of brands and companies to choose from, and you may be surprised that these businesses can repair minor damages quite cheaply and can be within the usual price of your policy excess. This saves you from having to claim on your motor policy. This is only an option if no other parties are involved, i.e., you have caught the corner of your car on your driveway wall.
- For modern cars, use your insurer’s approved repairer network
Repairing modern cars, and by this, we are talking about cars that are usually less than 15 years old, is reasonably straightforward. Your local main dealer or your insurer’s own approved repairer network will be able to handle the repairs quite easily.
- Using a specialist repairer
For vehicles over 15 years old, you are really looking at getting your car repaired by a classic and cherished vehicle specialist. A repairer that specialises in the Nissan Figaro car.
If you are unsure who to use, your club has an extensive Garage Directory on their website, listing Figaro garages known to the club and its members for having experience and knowledge of restoring, repairing, and servicing the Nissan Figaro car. Your local area rep or fellow club members will probably know a business in your area that will be able to repair your car back to its pre-damaged condition too.
Important! Unfortunately, you will have to do a little running around to make this happen. Insurers are geared up to deal with claims in volume using their own repairer network, and you will be doing something different from their standard procedure.
You will need to contact the chosen business yourself and ask them to assess the damage to your car. They will have to supply a written estimate for repairs so that you can send this to your insurer. Once you have sent the written estimate to your insurer, they will then talk to your chosen repairer, agree on costs, and authorise the repairs. Once repairs are authorised, you will need to arrange to take the vehicle to the repairer, and the car will be repaired. So please understand that you could be coordinating the repairs to your car and managing communications between your chosen garage and the insurer.
What to do next
Following a collision involving another vehicle or in the event of needing to make a claim, the first port of call will be to contact our 24/7 claims department. The contact details can be found in your policy documents and on our website. From here, our team will support you with choosing how your vehicle is to be repaired.
If no other parties are involved and the damage is very slight, consider a SMART repairer option. If you are unsure, our team will be able to reassure you with the next steps. Call our office on 01455 639 000 and quote your policy number for assistance.
Finally, if your car cannot sensibly be repaired, your insurer will offer you an amount in settlement of your claim. If your vehicle is insured on an agreed valuation basis, you will have the peace of mind that you will be paid the correct amount for your car in the event of a total loss.
To discuss your policy options or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club member’s insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
4 – Driving into the EU
Driving your cherished car abroad is one of the most pleasurable ways to holiday. Touring around the Dordogne. Meandering along the Moselle Valley. Exploring the Amalfi Coast. Whatever your chosen route and destination, you’ll want to keep on the road and enjoy your precious time away.
With the summer season and many tours and rallies to look forward to, ClassicLine Insurance policyholders will be reassured that our specialist Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme covers you for being in the EU for up to 90 days and includes full UK and EU breakdown cover as a standard.
Whether you are the sort of driver that likes to spend weeks studying road maps or prefer to hop in and let the sat nav guide you, preparation is the key to getting the most out of your driving holiday. So have your toolbox packed. A box of spares sufficient for a quick roadside fix. And be sure to check all the motoring rules and regulations for the countries you are travelling through.
But even the most well-prepared traveller can experience an unpredicted issue. So, would you know what to do if your classic car breaks down abroad?
Let’s look at some of the seldom discussed issues of breaking down abroad
- Are there any specialist repairers in the area that you are travelling to?
While you are planning your trip, it is worthwhile spending some time researching specialist repairers in the areas you are visiting. Being recovered to a specialist repairer can get your car fixed and enable you to continue with your holiday.
If you are joining a Figaro Owners Club rally or an affiliated tour, you’ll most likely be travelling with a group. Being in a group with fellow classic car enthusiasts is reassuring, and your fellow drivers will undoubtedly offer a helping hand if needed. The tour organisers usually have contacts within the area and will be able to offer support if needed too.
- You may not speak the language
Now we are not suggesting that you need to be fluent in several languages here. But you do need to be prepared. The vehicle recovery officer may not speak English, but they are there to help you. So if you can find a simple way to converse, such as using an online translator or a foreign phrasebook, this will go a long way toward ensuring that everyone understands the situation and the plan of action.
- Be prepared to be inconvenienced
Your breakdown will interfere with your trip, so prepare to be adaptable. This may involve dropping back from the group you are travelling with while your car is being repaired or diverting off course to visit garages or spares shops. Driving abroad is an adventure, and this is all part of the experience of taking an older vehicle on a road trip.
- You may have to leave your vehicle and continue on with your journe
Now this may seem daunting. But if your vehicle is unable to be repaired in a timely manner, or is irreparable and needs to be recovered home, you have options to continue with your trip without your car or make your way home. If you decide to continue on with your trip, this may involve making your own travel arrangements. Consider that you are abroad, and language and internet access may be an impediment. Be prepared to make bookings, reservations, or plan routes for your onwards journey. Whichever option you decide, you will need to discuss this with our team before making any arrangements.
- If it comes to it, you may need to return home
This is obviously disappointing, but in some circumstances, it is the best option. You, your passengers, and your vehicle will be recovered home according to the terms of your policy.
What to do if you need assistance
Be prepared before you travel. Ensure that you have all your insurance policy documents to hand and know the important breakdown and recovery helplines. As of September 2021, GB stickers are no longer valid, so don’t forget to attach your UK sticker before you leave too.
While we hope that your driving experience abroad will be incident free, if you require assistance, please contact the European claims helpline in your policy documents. You will be asked to quote your vehicle details, your name and contact details, the location of the vehicle, and an idea of what the problem is. Our roadside assistance team will then work with you on finding the best solution to get you back on the road. If you know of a specialist repairer in the area that you are in, please mention this. If you cannot get your car back on the road sensibly whilst abroad, be assured that our team is here to help get you and your cherished car home.
To discuss your policy options or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
5 – Modifications and Upgrades
It is not uncommon for older vehicles to receive the odd upgrade to make the car run better on today’s roads. You may use aftermarket parts as the original components are no longer available. Or perhaps the car is modified to improve its performance, handling, and usability. Maybe it’s a cosmetic change to personalise the appearance of the car while still retaining the vehicle’s character.
At ClassicLine, we have always taken a sensible approach to cars that have been changed. When you apply for classic car insurance, you will be asked if the car has been modified in any way. This idea is not to charge you more, but it is to ensure that all aspects of your vehicle are insured correctly.
But how do we judge if the change is a modification, an upgrade, or a part change?
Our premiums don’t change if a car, for example, has a transducer fitted and an MPH sticker on the speedo. The same goes if you have fitted aftermarket fibreglass bumpers.
What about if you have swapped out the 3-speed auto gearbox in favour of a 5-speed manual box? Even this is a non-premium altering change. The key is just to let us know if the car has been changed, and our team will manage the rest for you.
If you have chosen to do something really different to your car, ClassicLine can arrange a policy very easily. With 40 years of experience insuring modified cars, the sky’s the limit when it comes to customisation. So, if you have body kit additions, modified the convertible roof to a hardtop, or changed the engine for more power, ClassicLine can certainly help here.
Finally, if your car has been modified, changed, or fitted with uprated parts, don’t forget to reference these in your agreed valuation application. Of course, this doesn’t take into consideration the time that you have spent methodically researching the best parts or the hours you have invested into making your car look just the way you want it, but this will ensure that your vehicle has been accurately valued, giving you peace of mind that you will receive its true value should the worst happen.
From simple cosmetic changes to advanced modifications, our team is here to help find the right policy for your vehicle. For further questions on modifications or upgrades, or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
6 – How to get a quick and efficient insurance quote
There’s always so much to do and enjoy when you own a classic car. Weekend-long events and adventurous tours fill hazy summer days. For the quieter months, there are breakfast meets and cosy pub lunches with fellow enthusiasts to enjoy.
Along with all the fun that comes with driving a Figaro, there is one very vital element that will enable you to enjoy your cherished car to the maximum. Yes, you guessed it! Renewing your car insurance.
It is reassuring to know that ClassicLine Insurance will make this task as painless and efficient as possible. Our knowledgeable team understands the specialist nature of your vehicle and will secure the best policy to suit your individual needs and usage from our range of highly rated insurers. But there are things we will need to know to make this task a little less onerous.
Let’s look at some questions that may be asked so you can be as prepared as possible to get a quick and efficient insurance quote.
What is your approximate annual mileage?
First of all, make sure you have an idea of how many miles (not km!) you will need to enjoy the show season and beyond. Do you mostly drive short distances, or do you enjoy driving further afield and clocking up the miles?
Some of our products offer significant mileage discounts. A quick way to check your average annual mileage is by looking at your past few MOT tests. If you are still having your classic car MOT tested, have a quick look at the mileage history on your last few tests so you can confirm to yourself, and us, how much usage you manage to get out of your car.
Do you have any previous claims in the last five years?
You will also need to tell us about any previous claims within the past five years. This includes yourself and any named drivers, so please have the exact dates of the incidents, costs if known, and how the claim was settled.
Do you or any named drivers have any motoring offences?
Similar thought has to be shown with regard to any motoring offences that you, or any driver that uses the car, may have. We’ll need to know the dates of conviction, fines, and number of points added to your licence (or length of disqualification if you have been really unlucky).
A mindful note here is to double check driving records with any named drivers before you get your quotes. You will be surprised how many relatives following a reported claim are discovered with previous driving records that have not been disclosed to the insurer because the policyholder has assumed that the driver hasn’t had any ‘issues’ since they last looked into their insurance requirements.
Is your car kept away from home?
If you keep your car away from home, please have the full address and postcode of the storage location to hand so the storage location can be recorded correctly.
What is the current value of your car?
Finally, make sure you have done your research as to the current value of your car – you do not want to be underinsuring it. The best way to ensure that your car has been valued accurately and therefore insured at its true value is by obtaining an agreed valuation from the Figaro Owners Club valuations service.
If you can be mindful of the above and have as much information as possible ready, it will make the task of getting your premiums requoted relatively seamless. For a new insurance quote or anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
7 – Keeping up to date with market trends and valuations
Owning a classic or cherished car has some great benefits. The feel-good factor is, of course, the most tangible of the advantages. That feeling you get when you roll off the driveway in your cherished Figaro. The lure of the open road tempting you, and the prospect of meeting up with friends and fellow petrolheads paves the way for a great day out.
But one of the other significant benefits is that you are the owner of an appreciating asset. For some enthusiasts, this benefit may be higher on the priority list. But whether this is a considerable factor to you or not, it is important to try to keep up with the market trends of the car that you currently own.
Vehicle values rise and fall. This is due to various factors, desirability being one. The film industry has been a huge influencer over the decades, and a certain film series featuring highly tuned Japanese home market cars has seen the desirability and values of these cars soar. We could also say the same for Doctor Who spin off series, The Sarah Jane Adventures starring an emerald green Figaro, and even animated films such as Cars 2 which featured a character based on the Figaro.
So how does this affect you?
It is imperative at the very minimum that your car is appraised and valued by the team at the Figaro Owners Club every two years.
In addition to this, keep an eye on what has been for sale and has sold over the past 12-18 months. Websites such as www.glenmarch.com are great resources, as the site lists most vehicles sold at auction over the past few years. The information on this site is used quite extensively by ‘people in the know’ as it is a record of cars that have actually sold rather than vehicles that are for sale.
Why is it important to keep your valuation up to date?
In the unfortunate situation that your vehicle is written off following an accident, or your cherished car is stolen and unable to be recovered, the agreed value is the maximum amount you would be paid when you make a claim (less any excesses). This agreed value is set within your insurance policy and agreed upon between you and your classic car insurer.
However, we have seen cases where a vehicle’s value hasn’t been appraised or reviewed for a number of years. The value stated on the schedule is not current, and the vehicle owner has lost out because the amount the insurer has paid is nowhere near enough to replace the car at the time of the claim.
The good news…
You’ll be interested to know that as the official Nissan Figaro Owners Club, the club is authorised to provide an insurance valuation certificate for your Figaro. The club offers an excellent valuation service, and ClassicLine also has a similar in-house service too.
Having an agreed valuation is worth every minute spent should you ever experience a total loss, and it can also help save you money on your insurance premium. Not only that, with ClassicLine, you’ll have the option of salvage retention, and we can even insure your laid up vehicles on an agreed valuation basis too.
There has never been a better time to talk to us about your insurance and the Figaro Owners Club on getting the value of your car appraised and agreed. To discuss agreed valuation cover or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
8 – Why should you insure your cherished vehicle with ClassicLine Insurance?
Cars are often an extension to our family. Your Figaro could be a car you have dreamed of owning for many years. It could be a car that has passed through a generation, or it could be part of your prized fleet of cherished vehicles. Whatever your association with your classic car, when you take out specialist classic or performance vehicle insurance cover, you’ll want to entrust your cherished vehicle with an insurer who will treat your vehicle with the respect it deserves and have a policy that will give you the best possible protection when it is needed most.
This is by far the most important reason as to why Figaro Owners Club members should insure with a specialist provider such as ClassicLine.
Our knowledgeable team understands the specialist nature of your vehicle and will secure the best policy to suit your individual needs and usage from our range of highly rated insurers. But our affinity goes deeper than this. Car clubs have been at the heart of our business for nearly 40 years, and we are proud to not only support Figaro Owners Club members, but to give back to your club.
Benefits of insuring with ClassicLine Insurance
- Agreed Valuations: If you are a Figaro Owners Club member, you have access to a valuations service through the club. Having an agreed valuation is worth every minute spent should you ever experience a total loss, and it can also help save you money on your insurance premium.
- Multi Vehicle cover: Encompassing a range of vehicles from vintage and classic cars, modern classics or performance vehicles, and even your daily driver, ClassicLines multi vehicle cover will simplify your insurance experience. Great for car collectors and owners of classic and modern cars alike, all your vehicles can be brought under one convenient renewal date and a single competitive premium.
- Changed cars welcome: It is not uncommon for older vehicles to receive the odd upgrade to make the car run better on today’s roads. At ClassicLine, we have always taken a welcoming approach to cars that have been changed. From simple cosmetic changes to advanced modifications, our team will find the right policy for your vehicle.
- Assistance when you need it the most: All ClassicLine Insurance customers benefit from full UK and EU breakdown and recovery included as standard within their policy. A service that many other insurers will change additionally for. Your specialist policy will also cover you for being in the EU for up to 90 days – so there’s no need to rush back after your leisurely summer road trip.
- Choice of repair options: We understand the love and devotion you have invested in your car. So, in the event of a claim, ClassicLine policy holders have the option to choose who repairs their vehicle.
- Laid up policies available: Whatever your reason for keeping your vehicle off the road, be it for maintenance, restoration, or rebuild, or simply to keep it away from the salt on the roads, it is advisable to insure your vehicle under a laid-up policyduring this time. Our invaluable laid up cover will protect your unused vehicle, it’s spare parts and accessories whilst they are kept in a locked garage or building. We can even insure your laid up vehicles on an agreed valuation basis too.
- Insuring with ClassicLine gives back to your club: Yes, that’s right. ClassicLine has been a supporter and preferred insurance partner of the Figaro Owners Club since 2009. We have worked closely with the club over the years to develop a comprehensive and go-to insurance scheme for Figaro owners. So, if we can help in any way, or if there is a service you would like to see incorporated into the club insurance scheme, please do let us know.
There has never been a better time to talk to us about your insurance. To find out more on the benefits of insuring with ClassicLine or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
9 – What is laid-up insurance cover?
As the evenings draw in and we prepare for the winter motoring season, it’s often a time when many will make a start on a project in the garage, or SORN their car off the road for some much-needed maintenance after a busy summer of driving. But this can often be when your car is most vulnerable.
Although it is not currently a legal requirement to have insurance on a vehicle declared as SORN, it is sensible to do so. Whatever your reason for keeping your vehicle off the road, be it for maintenance, restoration, or rebuild, or simply to keep it away from the salt on the roads, it is advisable to insure your vehicle under a laid-up policy during this time.
We must make you aware that it is the vehicle owners’ responsibility to ensure that the car is either taxed or declared as SORN. Failure to do so may result in a fine or penalty. You can find out more about declaring your vehicle as SORN by visiting https://www.gov.uk/make-a-sorn
Declaring your car off the road with a SORN notice will mean that you will not be able to drive or park it on a public road. Your car will need to be kept in a garage or on private land, like your driveway.
Even if your vehicle is garaged, it can be subjected to accidental damage – be it during routine maintenance, by a tin of paint falling off your garage shelf, or your car can be exposed to fire and can even be targeted by thieves and criminals.
Our invaluable cover will protect your unused vehicle, its spare parts, and its accessories while they are kept in a locked garage or building. It really is essential that your pride and joy is safe and protected should the worst happen.
Here are our essential facts for insuring your cherished Figaro on a ClassicLine laid up insurance policy:
- Cover includes accidental damage, fire, and theft as standard.
- Premiums reflect the fact that your car is not being used on the road. This also means you will not be paying extra for road cover when it’s not really necessary.
- If you are temporarily sending your cherished car off for body work or to the paint shop, you will still be covered. Just give us a call in advance so we can make a note on your policy.
- Not all insurance providers cover imports, which can be limiting. Those companies that can cover grey imports are used to the more traditional grey imports, such as the high-performance Japanese cars. Luckily, as the insurance partner for the Figaro Owners Club, the volume of Figaro business that we look after allows us to negotiate better with our underwriting partners. This service also extends to vehicles due to be imported into the UK. If you are importing another Figaro, or any other classic vehicle, you can cover your newly imported vehicle on our laid up scheme as soon as it has cleared customs. Once you have received your full registration number, give us a call to arrange on the road cover.
- Finally, we can offer agreed valuation cover on laid up policies. The same valuation process applies. Obtain a valuation from your car club official, an independent specialist, or via our in-house service. If the car is in restoration, then the agreed value would need to reflect the value of the car in its current state, not what it will be worth once the restoration is complete. Once you are ready to put your car back on the road, just give us a call to convert to a road cover policy.
To find out more about laid up insurance cover for your project or SORN vehicle or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
10 – Keeping your cherished vehicle secure from thieves
Cars have been a target for thieves for decades, but we are noticing that incidents of theft of classic cars are on the rise. Older cars are easier to break into and steal compared to newer cars. They are harder to track down, and their parts may be valuable, making them an easy target.
So, to keep your cherished Figaro safe, drivers should add some extra protection and apply a little common sense.
Here are our top tips to deterring thieves and keeping your cherished vehicle secure:
- Create a barrier. Extra physical security such as wheel clamps, pedal boxes, and steering locks are possibly some of the best forms of deterrent to keep the thieves at bay. As well as being a visual deterrent, they actually make it a lot more difficult to steal.
- Immobilise. Fit an immobiliser, alarm, or battery kill switch. An alarm will draw attention to a theft, and if your vehicle won’t start, it’s a lot harder to steal. You could also consider fixing a switch to the fuel pump supply if your car has an electric pump. Even if your vehicle does get stolen, the fuel supply will run out a few metres down the road, by which time you will be in full Usain Bolt mode.
- Out of sight is out of mind. Hiding your belongings is an obvious one, but not everyone does it. A car with mobile phones, tablets, wallets, loose change, and sat navs on display will be a magnet for opportunistic car thieves.
- Lock and stock. Keep your keys safe. It may sound obvious, but don’t store your keys by the front door. Always lock your car, including whilst paying for petrol, at a show, and on your driveway. If you own a modern car with a keyless ignition, it’s worth looking at getting a Faraday pouch to store your keys in to shield them from key scanning devices.
- Secure your garage. Make your garage harder to access by adding extra locks. The addition of a motion sensor security light or security cameras is also worth considering. If you have the option, block your garage with your other vehicle. If your vehicle is stored in a lock up away from your home, make sure you check on your vehicle on a regular basis.
- When out and about, park your car in a well-lit area and avoid dark or remote locations. A well-lit spot will deter car thieves. Crank your wheels towards the kerb too to make your vehicle harder to tow away.
- Beware what you share. Be cautious about what you post on social media. Although fun, the so called “spotted” car groups could be your nemesis. Never give away the location of your cherished car and be vigilant about posting photos that show your property in the background.
- Right direction. There are a number of low-cost tracking devices now available on the market that could help track your vehicle if it is stolen, furthering its safe return.
Finally, insuring with a specialist such as ClassicLine Insurance is one of the most important ways to ensure that you are properly covered. With ClassicLine, you can insure your car on an agreed valuation basis rather than market value, giving you peace of mind that you will receive the true value of your car should you ever experience a total loss. It is worth remembering that your agreed valuation must be renewed every two years, and when applying for insurance, we do ask that you are honest about where your vehicle is kept.
To find out more about agreed valuation cover or for anything else relating to the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme, contact ClassicLine on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk.
11 – Winter Essentials
Winter may be quieter in terms of shows, but for classic car owners, it can be a very busy season! It’s a time to reflect and look back on all the fun you’ve had during the summer. And it’s a time to ensure that your car is ready and raring to go when the milder weather returns.
At ClassicLine, we understand this. Drivers may not be using their cherished vehicles as much during the winter season, but we’re still here to help you get ready for next year’s adventures. Whether you are looking for a new quote, renewing, or would simply like to ask us any insurance related questions, we’re here to help.
Our team shares your enthusiasm for classic vehicles, with some owning classics too. We understand the joys of owning a Figaro and what it means to be part of a car club community.
Giving back to the Figaro Owners Club
ClassicLine has been a supporter and preferred insurance partner of the Figaro Owners Club since 2009. We have worked closely with the club over the years to develop a comprehensive and go-to insurance scheme for Figaro owners. So, if we can help in any way, or if there is a service you would like to see incorporated into the club insurance scheme, please do let us know.
Assistance is available 24/7
As well as benefiting from UK and EU roadside assistance and recovery cover, there will always be someone there when you need assistance. ClassicLine customers have access to a 24-hour assistance line, so whether you have broken down at the side of the road on a winter’s night or require assistance on a bank holiday, it’s reassuring to know that you’re in safe hands.
Do you need to update your agreed valuation?
Remember that your agreed valuation must be renewed every two years. So, if you haven’t updated your valuation for a while, dedicate some time to do so this winter. The crisp wintery mornings are ideal for rolling the car out of the garage and taking up-to-date photos.
The Figaro Owners Club offers a specialist valuations service for its members. Having an agreed valuation is worth every minute spent should you ever experience a total loss, and it can also help save you money on your insurance premium.
Essential winter maintenance
The winter break is a great time to check your car over thoroughly and carry out maintenance jobs after a busy summer season on the road.
Taking time out in the garage to tinker, check wiring and fuel lines, or polish is also therapy for the mind wrapped in a comforting oily rag. Focusing on a project that you have put off all summer and working through the checklist of essential maintenance jobs will put you in great stead to begin the new season.
Are you taking your car off the road with a SORN notice? Why not speak to us about changing to a laid-up policy? Our invaluable cover will protect your unused vehicle, its spare parts, and accessories while they are kept in a locked garage or building. It really is essential that your pride and joy is safe and protected should the worst happen. We can even insure your laid-up vehicles on an agreed valuation basis too.
Keeping busy during the quieter season
For those who prefer to keep using their cars throughout the winter, there are invigorating breakfast meets to enjoy, monthly club socials with friends, and trips out to local venues or motoring museums. Or perhaps you may like to offer a helping hand to a friend in the garage or offer some valuable words of wisdom to a young enthusiast who is at the beginning of their classic car ownership journey.
However you choose to spend the winter months, we’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon. If your insurance is about to expire, or you want to know more about the benefits of the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme with ClassicLine, contact us on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk
12 – How To Get The Most From Your ClassicLine Insurance – Road Tested
The quieter months are a great time to prepare for the start of the new season. As well as mechanical checks and maintenance jobs, updating your agreed valuation or checking your insurance covers you for all the exciting plans you have for the year ahead should also be at the top of the list.
But phoning around for insurance quotes and weighing up the pros and cons for each quote can be a minefield. Particularly if you have more than one vehicle to insure.
So, to help you choose the best option for your vehicle and usage, we’ve pulled our policy highlights into one quick reference guide.
From the quality of cover to the flexibility of how you can enjoy your car, and the exclusive benefits available to Figaro Owners Club members, you’ll see why many club members are now choosing ClassicLine Insurance.
Whilst quotes may vary depending on your personal circumstances and requirements, knowing that your policy covers you for all aspects of your cherished vehicle ownership is one of the advantages of insuring with ClassicLine Insurance. From unlimited mileage options to sensible policy excesses, and windscreen cover to full UK and EU breakdown recovery included as a standard, you can be assured that your policy is there for you when you need it the most.
Just like our team. As an independently owned broker, our service extends beyond the facts and figures. Securing the best policy to suit your individual needs and usage from our range of highly rated insurers is our priority. And if you need to make a claim, we’ll work with you to sort everything out.
To find out more on the benefits of the Figaro Owners Club insurance scheme with ClassicLine or for a new quotation, contact us on 01455 639 000, or via email client.services@classiclineinsurance.co.uk