26th Birthday Fun Run – Sunday 12th February 2017
To celebrate the cars 26th Birthday (Feb 14th 1991) Members of the Figaro Owners Club and Nissan Figaro Owners Club Facebook Page meet on a cold and wet Sunday!
Kicking off at Epsom Downs with 15 Figs we made our way in convoy down the A24 into Old Barn Garden Centre for a quick coffee and comfort break. Here we met another 15 cars and the numbers grew to 30! We then proceeded on towards Shoreham Airport with again ‘reserved parking’ for our little cars.
The warm ‘Art Deco’ building was a welcome change from the cold weather and along with our ‘private room’ we enjoyed great food. At the end of the lunch Nic stood up and gave out some awards and lit the 26th Birthday cake whilst being cheered by everyone!.
We then all jumped back in our cars for a cruise down to Brighton and along the seafront and finally parked up to take more pictures.
Thanks again to Nic and Simon for a brilliantly organised day!