Scotland Chapter Spring Meet-Up and Drive Out – Sunday 30th April 2017
On Sunday 30th April at 10am ten Scottish chapter members assembled at Dobbies Garden World in Dalgetty Bay, Fife before heading up the Fife Coastal Tourist Route through the ‘East Neuk of Fife’ for lunch in Pittenweem, then heading to the Tay Road bridge where we said our farewells.
Two great aspects of this trip were that we had around 17% of the entire Scottish Chapter membership on this, our first ‘run’ since being established – but for one call off and a morning breakdown, this could have been almost 20%!! Secondly, of the ten Figaro owners on the run, FIVE had never been on a Figaro Club event before. Great to see new members getting involved, which was a key aim of the ‘chapter development’. With it being dry, and a ‘scorcher’ (9 degrees celcius!) we, of course, mostly managed ‘tops down’ for the whole day. The picnic at Pittenweem was a bit bracing, but the east coast of Scotland at the end of April is not necessarily going to test the sun block. For me, as organiser and route planner, it was great the weather held up and, crucially, the day’s timings all went to plan! Also, lovely to get such positive feedback from all, and particularly the ‘newbies’, who, I think, will be back!!
Our next drive out (in the final planning stage at the moment) should be Ayrshire on Sunday 25th June – watch your emails!!
Ken Graham (Scotland Chapter Coordinator)