Holland Figaro Rally – Sunday 4th June 2017
Holland Chapter Coordinator Brigitte Van den Broak reports on another brilliant rally in sunny Holland
26 Figs turned up (24 from Holland and 2 from Germany) to attend our 6th annual rally which took place on Sunday the 4th of June in the Netherlands.
There were a lovely mix of colours with 11 Lapis grey, 8 Emerald green, 4 Pale Aqua, 3 Topaz mist and 2 Custom Colour.
Our rally commenced in Berkhout, with is situated in the North of Holland. With a cup of coffee and fresh baked apple pie there was lots of time to say hello and have a good look in the goody bag too.
Everyone dropped their roof’s as we set off at a low speed to enjoy the nice weather to explore some undiscovered parts of Holland. On route we witnessed so many smiles and surprised faces as our convoy made its way through the little towns and streets.
We stopped for a short photo moment and continued the drive too Alkmaar, the city we visited during our 2014 rally. Today this was the location for our lunch location and starting point for the second part of the day, the puzzle drive.
On this drive we all set off in periods of every few minutes to try and figure out the correct route. When after a short time you see a Figaro going the other way, you have to wonder if you have made a mistake and are going the wrong way! As we found the locations in our rally book we had to answer questions to get points.
The finish off the day was located in Kolhorn, in a very nice restaurant, ‘t Anker. We had a big part of the terrace reserved for our group were there was time to talk about the difficulty of the questions and the location of the pictures.
A big thank you for our sponsor ‘FIGAROCARS’ who made this event possible.
We also used the moment to say thanks to Tanja (and her husband Edwin) for being a founder and organizer for the first five editions of the Dutch Figaro tours.
With a applause and a nice drawing of her own Figaro we gave her a thank you she deserved.
Slowly the first Figaro’s were saying goodbye and with a smaller group the stayed for diner in the restaurant.
Brigitte Van den Broak – Holland Chapter Coordinator
June 3rd 2018 we will meet again, same car, same country!