Andra Yanchenko – Rescue Dogs Get a Ride in Mr. Figgy
Mr. Figgy & Dogs – As a Treat Rescue Dogs Get a Ride in Mr. Figgy
I became a Figaro owner in 2005 while living in the UK. I have always loved cars and knew the moment I saw the Figaro I wanted to own one. In 2007 when we were returning to the US I could not think of leaving Mr. Figgy.
Unfortunately the US government said ‘No’ to importing a Figaro. Mr. Figgy spent the next 10 years in car storage in the UK countryside. Over the years I made the occasional trip to see him. In 2016 Mr.Figgy made the journey across the Atlantic to Texas where we were happily reunited. Since his homecoming I have been in the process of cleaning and detailing him. A local mechanic did the necessay adjustments and repairs getting him road ready.
In 2017 we learned our little Boston Terrier, Aimee was nearing the end of her days. She was only 2 years old when we adopted her in 2013 and we were were going to be home eleven for this pup. Unfortunately, this little girl was passed from home-to-home due to behavior issues and biting. I decided at that moment we would be her forever home. Three months after coming to us we performed an x-ray on Aimee and it revealed many broken vertebrae in her back and a broken pelvis. These injuries were never treated and she had been living life in pain. Sadly there was nothing that could be done to repair the injuries, but medications could make her comfortable.
In May 2017 this sweet little girl was taking five pills a day for pain. As she lost the ability to sit and take her daily walks we knew her time had come. It was then I decided special dogs get to ride in a special car, Mr. Figgy.
Thus far I have fostered over 32 dogs, in 12 months. Currently I have 8 fosters (5 medical). I have only lost one (1 kg 6wk pup) to very bad medical issues. Mr. Figgy is the dog mobile.
Sadly our senior Boston, Rhett, passed 6 weeks laters while we were rving (caravaning) in the southeast. Although he died of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, I am sure it was a broken heart over Aimee’s passing. After his passing we decided we would foster dogs in the future.
In September we returned home from our road trip, delayed two weeks by Hurricane Harvey. It was then we learned of the many homeless and abandonded dogs in need of rescue and shelter.
I contacted CAMO Rescue and we volunteered to help foster the many dogs in need. I also said we could foster seniors, and those with medical needs requiring long-term, pallative or hospice care.
We have had some healthy dogs over the months, but many of our fosters are in medical need. Higby was my first medical coming to us with a terrible case of mange and sunburn. Then Jaime and his brother, Jesse came to us on Christmas Eve only for me to discover they had Canine Distemper.
When the veterinarian said euthanize, Holly Dool, President of CAMO Rescue, said let us try to save them and we did. Since then this is what I have been doing, volunteering with CAMO Rescue. This rescue saves dogs who might not otherwise get a second chance at life. When the pups I foster are healthy I take then out in Mr. Figgy to see the world.