Boot Luggage Rack (Strap on)
One of the most popular accessories this luggage rack has marine-varnished hardwood slats to put the luggage on, giving a more classic look. Easy to fit and remove, comes complete with a fitting kit.
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It clamps on the side edges of the boot lid and has rubber feet to protect the paintwork. This boot rack fits the Figaro Boot perfectly and is available in aluminium and stainless steel. It is highly recommended if you are planning on travelling and will take a couple of cases. Width (side to side) 89cm, depth (front to rear) 38cm, height (above boot lid) 10cm.
Three options are available at different prices…
OPTION 1 – Boot/luggage rack (plain aluminium), with Fitting Kit – NM00001F
This luggage rack has aluminium bars to put the luggage on, giving it a more contemporary look. Easy to fit and remove, comes complete with a fitting kit. The fitting kit NOW INCLUDES an extra bracket for the front edge and a length of heat-shrink tubing to put on the bracket ends where they touch the paint of the boot lid.
Aftermarket item, made in England, easy to fit and remove. It clamps on the side edges of the boot lid and has rubber feet to protect the paintwork. Width (side to side) 89cm, depth (front to rear) 38cm, height (above boot lid) 10cm.
Product Code NM00001F – Price £95.29 Excluding VAT
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OPTION 2 – Boot/luggage rack (Aluminium & Wood), with Fitting Kit – NM00063F
This luggage rack has marine-varnished hardwood slats to put the luggage on, giving it a more classic look. Easy to fit and remove, comes complete with a fitting kit. The fitting kit NOW INCLUDES an extra bracket for the front edge and a length of heat shrink tubing to put on the bracket ends where they touch the paint of the boot lid.
Aftermarket item, made in England, easy to fit and remove. It clamps on the side edges of the boot lid and has rubber feet to protect the paintwork. Width (side to side) 89cm, depth (front to rear) 38cm, height (above boot lid) 10cm.
Product Code NM00063F – Price £102.14 Excluding VAT
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OPTION 3 – Boot/luggage rack (plain stainless steel), with Fitting Kit – NM00089F
This luggage rack has stainless steel bars to put the luggage on, giving it a more contemporary look. Easy to fit and remove, comes complete with a fitting kit. The fitting kit NOW INCLUDES an extra bracket for the front edge and a length of heat shrink tubing to put on the bracket ends where they touch the paint of the boot lid.
Aftermarket item, made in England, easy to fit and remove. It clamps on the side edges of the boot lid and has rubber feet to protect the paintwork. Width (side to side) 89cm, depth (front to rear) 38cm, height (above boot lid) 10cm.
Product Code NM00089F – Price £110.14 Excluding VAT
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This strap fits the rear of the boot and stops the rack from sliding off! As the Figaro boot folds vertically when folding down the roof, without this bracket fitted the boot rack will not stay in position. Provides extra support for heavy loads and high-speed use.
Inside edges are now powder coated to give a smooth finish and are less likely to scratch the paintwork on the boot lid.
The sleeve needs to fit over the metal brackets before you install them. This will protect your paintwork and allow the brackets to provide a better grip when tightened. See the picture here of the brackets with the heat shrink sleeve attached.
ROPE OPTION. This idea came from members Mr and Mrs Golovanov. The bracket is hidden by the rope which is wound around it, making it look neater.
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