Cleaning – Roof Gutter Trim
The roof gutter trim runs around the top and aligns with the roof liner when closed. Over the years the ‘fur finish’ can be damaged and or become very dirty. It is very hard to clean and make good so in this video club founder Kevin shows you how you can remove the fur and clean the trim.
The process involves
- Removing the trim
- Heating up 3 kettles of hot water
- Adding the powder featured below (We used 6 x tablespoons)
- Leaving to soak for an hour
- Scrubbing off the fur and dirt
- Rinsing with fresh water
- Drying
- Installing the trim
The whole process takes no more than two hours and looks fantastic. Okay, we accept that you have lost the fur but in our opinion, the trim looks no different than what’s around other parts of the car, such as the door trim.
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We used Astonish C9630 Specialist Clean & Revive Stain Remover, which Removes Ingrained Tea and Coffee Stains, for Cups and Teapots, 350g. Available for around £2.00 search on the internet for the best price.
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