Dorset Figaro Rally – Sunday 11th June 2017
17 Figaros Explore Dorset – Sunday 11th June
South West Chapter Coordinator Suzy Compton takes her fellow members out for the day, taking in some Dorset cream teas, ice creams and spectacular scenery.
Sunday 11th June and seventeen Figaros of all almost every colour gathered in the sea view car park at Osmington Mills. After coffee, we headed East in convoy on the Dorset lanes, in the roof down sunshine.
We met a very surprised tanker lorry who waited patiently for us to manoeuvre around him and then we headed onto the Army live firing ranges in the hills to Tyneham, a village that was requisitioned in 1943 and never given back.
After exploring and picnicking we drove back up the hidden valley to a hilltop viewing point. The sea mist obscured the view somewhat but we took some group photos, and nothing dampens the spirit of a Figaro convoy.
Then on to Lulworth village for cream teas and ice creams and more spectacular scenery. We had a great day and I think the rally has inspired other members to have a go at organising a meet up in their local area!
Thanks again to everyone who attended.
Suzy Compton – South West Chapter Coordinator