Dutch Figaro After Summer Tour – Sunday 27th September 2020
Words & Pictures by Pascal & Joyce
Sunday the 27th of September was the Dutch After Summer Tour 2020. During the preparations we were all the time not sure if the event could go on, with the Covid-19 as a black shadow over the world. We were so happy and lucky that our Figaro Event could go on, we choose the perfect weekend, we know afterwards. We dedicated our 2020 tour to Jan Oldenkamp, Jan passed away August 6th Jan was a big Figaro enthusiast and the first ever participant of the Figaro after summer tour.
At his memorial Carolien Oldenkamp told us she will join the tour with one of their children. That made us decide to give the start number 1 again to “team Oldenkamp”, Carolien & Geert. With 22 Figaro’s present we had the biggest Figaro event in Europe for 2020.

Joyce checking answers
The most popular color this year was Lapis grey, 10 cars. 3 Emerald, 2 Topaz, 2 Pale aqua and 5 custom colours complete the list. All day was situated around the national park, De Hoge Veluwe. It is a beautiful park in a very green part of the Netherlands. There is a great wild fauna living, an excellent museum, bikes that people can use during the day but more important for us, it’s very car friendly as well.
At the park pavilion we had an own room for the whole day, were the people can check the road book with coffee and cake at the start, had an very nice lunch as break and a drink and bite at the end of the Figaro day. In total we had 90 Km in the morning and still 85 Km in the afternoon, true lovely villages, nice city’s and even a river to cross with a small ferry.
We had a puzzle tour written out for everybody, with questions to answer, pictures of locations on the track to find an hidden letters in the field to find. With all this items they could score points and at the and Dick & Wyhncke were the winners of the 2020 edition of the After Summer Figaro Tour with 320 points out of 370 points maximum.
Joyce and I had a great time preparing the tour, and enjoyed so much all the happy faces during the day. Please stay healthy and maybe we met at the After Summer Figaro Tour, Sunday 26th 2021.