Dutch Figaro After Summer Tour – Sunday 3rd September 2021
Words & Pictures by Pascal & Joyce
Sunday, 26th of September was the 3rd Figaro After Summer Tour.
With the 30 year jubilee in mind, we thought to visit a special part in the Netherlands. And yes, Zeeland is very special. A beautiful part of the Netherlands that is quite undiscovered for car rallies. The first idea with Zeeland is that it’s flat and mainly connecting roads. Locals were very enthusiastic and convinced us to let the world-famous “Delta werken and the Zeelandbrug” be part of our Figaro Nazomer Tour.
A car event in Zeeland without those 2 highlights doesn’t deserve the name car event they told us. Our Rally shield was again designed by 05 Studio, South Korea. After the Lapis Grey edition in 2019 and the Emerald Green edition in 2020 for this year, Youngho made a Topaz Mist edition for 2021 for us. So extra nice we had 4 Topaz Mist, 6 Lapis Grey, 4 Emerald Green, 1 Pale Aqua and 3 Custom colours ones make the list of 18 attendees complete. We had hidden letters to find during the day, pictures to recognize and questions to answer.
In the end, the Pink Figaro from Gwenda & Jelmer scored the most points and were the winners of the 2021 Figaro Nazomer Tour. A lovely car-related trophy was waiting for them. We had a great deal organized with the Boutique Hotel ter Zand for a nice diner and a reduced price for an excellent hotel room, for the ones who wanted to join.
In the end, we look back on a great Figaro event.
Joyce and I are already thinking about where to go for 2022.
One item will be no surprise anymore……. The rally shield will be in Pale aqua.
Pink Figaro picture by José Wortman