Norfolk Day Trip 2023 – Sunday 16th April 2023

Date(s) - 16/04/2023
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Waterside at Rollesby

Chapter (Select to view further events)

Our club are delighted to support this event which we have been invited to attend with our Figaros. To register your car simply scroll to the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

Event Name:
Norfolk Day Trip 2023

Venue Address:
Waterside at Rollesby, Main Road, Rollesby, NR29 5EF.

Meeting Place
Waterside at Rollesby

Adam Woods (UK Eastern England Chapter Coordinator)

Sunday 16th April 2023

Entry Criteria:
Club Members and Non-Members

Entry Costs:
From £13.00


We meet at 10 am in the Broads at the Waterside at Rollesby where you can have a breakfast roll (bacon or egg) and tea or coffee for £5.

Then we head off from there at 11 am across the country, stopping at Poppylands 1940s Team Rooms for an hour, a wonderful place full of 1940s memorabilia.

From here we aim to arrive at East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens by 1 pm, to our own special Figgy Parking area.

East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens is a beautiful, 32-acre modern garden containing many garden rooms with herbaceous borders, gravel gardens, sub-tropical gardens, a box parterre, a sunken rose garden, a Mediterranean garden, Desert Wash and a large woodland garden. Alan Gray will give us a personal introduction to the location, following which we can enjoy the gardens and a bit to eat at our pleasure. Entry is £13 per person.

How to Register:
If you would like to attend, email us with the following information:

  1. Insert ‘Norfolk Day Trip 2023‘ in the Email Subject line
  2. Full Name
  3. Club Membership Number (See here)
  4. Mobile
  5. Car Registration
  6. Car Colour
  7. No of people participating

Send the email to: