Drive Your Figaro Day – Essex Figgys and Chat – Saturday 15th June 2024

Date(s) - 15/06/2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Harlow Garden Centre

Chapter (Select to view further events)

We are delighted to announce this event which is being organised by Eastern Chapter Coordinator Adam Woods. Please scroll down the page to register

Event Name:
Drive Your Figaro Day – Essex Figgys and Chat

Figaro Owner Club

Venue Address:
Harlow Garden Centre, Canes Lane, Hastingwood, Harlow, CM17 9LD

Meetings Place:
Harlow Garden Centre Car Park (look for the Figgies!!)

Saturday 15th June 2024/11am – 1pm

Chapter Coordinator
Eastern Chapter Coordinator Adam Woods

Car Limit:

Entry Criteria:
Registration Required/Figaro Owners Club Members only (Find your membership No)

Entry Costs:

“Over the weekend of the 15th/16th June 2024 we challenge all Figaro Owners to take their car for a drive”

To celebrate Drive Your Figaro Day we are parking up for a chat, coffee and cake at Harlow Garden Centre from 11 am to 1 pm.

Please register below so that we can know how many to expect! 🙂


You must register to attend this event.

Please send an email to with the following information

  1. Event Name (see the top of the page)
  2. Drivers Full Name
  3. Email Address
  4. Mobile Phone Number
  5. Passengers Full Name
  6. Figaro Owners Club Membership Number (Find your membership No)
  7. Car Registration Number
  8. Car Colour

Last years event

98 Nissan Figaros turned out in somewhat dodgy weather (in Europe anyway) to participate in our first-ever ‘Drive Your Figaro Day’. Owners shared pictures of their cars from all over the world. Thank you so much for all your support!

Watch the video