Fig10 – Sunday 16th May 2010
If you build it they will come… And they did. The weather was better than forecast and with 170 Figaro’s Fig10 was a fantastic day out. We have two reports on the show.
Report by David Shaw – The Organiser
“170 Figaros, 4 PAOs, 2 S-Cargos and 2 Views attended the second Figaro Register event at the Heritage Motor Centre on 16th May 2010. The gloomy weather predicted failed to materialise and owners enjoyed a full day of Figaro fun. The condition of the cars on display was as one visitor put it “amazing”. There were some great paint jobs that were show favourites (see winners below). Over a quarter of the cars now have non-factory colours with variations in pink being the most popular. Customising to the interiors was carried out with great taste but still maintaining the retro theme.
The highlight of the morning was the draw for the special prize of a new roof fitting which was won by an excited Sue from Crawley. Following this Laura ran an experimental Regional Gatherings, on foot, which seemed to work very well with owners reporting back that they met people from their areas for the first time and had swapped details for future meets. Sixty cars signed up for the afternoon driving tour which was a roof down affair (more actually went). Drivers reported back that “it was a beautiful route held in a gloriously sunny Warwickshire”. A novel feature enjoyed by all was meeting half of the Figaros, S-Cargos and PAOs going in the opposite direction especially as it is rare in normal driving to see another one at all.
Those not on the driving tour continued looking around the cars in the arena, the Figaro Businesses and the Heritage Centre Museum. Four owners had new roofs fitted by Jason from figaros4sale and others watched to see how it was done whilst the organisers sorted out the prize winners’ entries and continued selling raffle tickets, Register Stickers, Posters and Figaro Cakes. Kevin from the Figaro Owners Club and his family had a good day and almost sold out of mugs, stickers, bags and t-shirts. A number of Figaro Fans and prospective buyers also attended and two went home with Figaro’s bought on the day. Figaro’s on display adjacent to The Figaro Register HQ were the Boden Patterned Figaro owned by Jenny from Liverpool which won Car of the Show; Madeline’s Pink Figaro and trailer which was the Fig08 Car of the Show; the earliest and latest Register Figaro’s owned by Ruth from Swindon (Lapis Grey) and Linda from Enfield (Pink); the Figaro that had travelled furthest to get to the event owned by Martin from Holland (Lapis Grey) who enjoyed driving on the left for a change.
The runners up Figaros for Car of the Show were owned by Carolyn from Upturn on Seven (Lilac), Tina & Stuart from Cheltenham (Purple) and Nic & Alison from Wimbledon (Fireglow Red Pearl). The Non-Figaro Car of the Show went to the View owned by David from Stockport (Silver Blue).
Laura and David would like to thank all their friends and family who gave up their Sundays to help with the show and raise a terrific £700 for the Macgregor Children’s Ward Trust Fund.
This amount was mainly achieved thanks to the generosity of the Figaro Businesses who attended. They were:- figaros4sale, Clarion Service, Sands Imaging, Figaro Club, The Figaro Owners Club, Figaro City, Figgy Pudding. Figaro Restore and Figaro Car Imports could not attend but send prizes. Full details for all the above, pictures and what people thought of the show can be found on the site.”