Figgys and Chat at Caffeine and Machine The Bowl – Sunday 9th June 2024
Words and pictures by Eastern Chapter Coordinator Adam Woods
So, we thought of trying a new type of event this year where members could meet up somewhere, grab a beverage, and chat with other Figgy Folk… After all, sharing your highs and lows of Figgy fandom and ownership is good for the heart and soul… and even the bank balance!
So, this year over in the Eastern Chapter we are doing a couple of these new events that we’re calling Figgys and Chat.
Our first destination for this new format was suggested to me by a member. Some of you may remember the visit to Caffeine and Machine on the 30th a few years ago, so when it was mentioned that they had opened another venue in Bedfordshire, it felt like the perfect opportunity to get members together. So, we reached out to the guys at Caffeine and Machine and found a way to make it work so that the Figs could be the stars of the Yard!
The weather was chillier than expected, but it was worth it as 10 cars attended with their wonderful owners, chatting in a chilled and friendly atmosphere.
What stood out to me was how everyone makes their cars their own… whether by loving the swirls of some of the original designs or making their statement in their own way. These cars do such a great job of bringing people together for that community feel that the club is all about. It’s fantastic catching up with old friends and making new ones! It’s such a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
And not only that but attending a venue like this helps our quirky cars reach out to the broader car-loving scene. The venue was really hospitable and the team were so pleased to see something as different as the Figaro!
We’ll definitely be back again, not just for the Figgys and the Chat, but for the fantastic Figgy Family that the Figaro Owners Club helps nurture and support.
Thanks to everyone who came along… you’re all so fab!!
Watch the Video
And don’t forget, there’s more opportunity for Figgys and Chat next weekend for Drive Your Figaro Day!! And if there’s not one already happening where you are, why not pop over to your local chapter FB group and plan a meet up at a local garden centre or similar
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