Figs and Chips – Friday 8th April 2018
Words and Pictures by Bigitte & Pascal from Figaro Team Holland
Some time a go a Figaro owner visited with his family at a McDonald’s restaurant. He posted photo’s of this special location. A McD complete in the style of the fifties. The interior, exterior, the uniforms, absolutely everything, it was all very special.
Than the idea started to make it a meeting point for a nice Sunday meet with Figaro owners. Something like cars and coffee, but we made it a bit more original with the name Figs and Chips.
After making the plans public, we received a mail from Tom and Wilma with a invitation to visit there private classic car museum.
The 8th of April was our meet, 7 cars registered, 15 turned up familiar and new faces, a wonderful group all together. Everybody enjoyed it very much, the location, the weather and off course the Figs.
We drove with directions of Tom and Wilma in a great convoy of 15 cars, lots of waving and smiling faces during the drive form Best to Vught.
At the car museum we had a warm welcome from Tom, with a drink and a bite to eat, he showed us his cars, bikes and had a story and information with each special vehicle.
We think that everybody had a great day and our special thanks go out to Figarocars for their support and Tom & Wilma for there hospitality.
We hope to see everyone soon on the 7th Figaro Rally on Sunday June 3th 2018
Figaro Team Holland
Brigitte and Pascal