Figs win Best Stand of 33 Car Clubs at Tayside! – Sunday 17th June 2018
In June 2017 our first visit to the Tayside Classic Car Club Show was all set up with six Figaros ready to go. Unfortunately, as you may recall, June 2017 was slightly different weather-wise to June 2018 and, after torrential downpours all week, the show was cancelled just a day before as the ground was totally waterlogged!
Undeterred, Scotland Chapter Coordinator, Ken Graham was ready to go with our booking for the 2018 show on Sunday 10th June, and 13 Figaros registered by the deadline date. No mean feat as we only have around 60 members in the Scotland Chapter!
Owing to a couple of breakdowns we ended up on the day with a couple of ‘no-shows’ (and member Andy Deans’ Vintage Saab pretending to be his ‘Fig for a Day’!)
The Tayside show is tremendous with around 170 individual vehicle entries plus a total of 33 Car Clubs displaying at the event.
Ken had already been approached to see if the Figaro Owners Club could provide six vehicles to drive around the show arena and someone to provide a commentary telling the crowd a bit about the cars and the club, and he was delighted to accept.
At 1pm six Figs made their way to the arena and Ken slipped his brain into a mixture of ‘CarFest and NEC Classic Show’ promotion mode to commentate. Once he returned to the club stand Ken was approached by a member of the public who had filmed the Figs and announced he had just posted the video to our Facebook page!
As with most car shows you are aware of judges going around the stands making their assessments, and one did come and have a brief chat with Ken and other members whilst making a few copious notes. So, you can imagine Ken’s delight when he was approached by a group of judges about 3pm to say the Figaro Owners Club had won ‘Best Club Stand’ at the show! As you can imagine there was much whooping and screaming amongst the ‘Figaro Clan’ as the word spread.
Ken is convinced that our victory was primarily down to the level of real active engagement our members make with the public who come to look at our cars.
Congratulations to all the club members who came along. A particular mention must be made to Caroline Scott who has joined the club (although she doesn’t yet have a Figaro) and is looking forward to the support of her new Figaro pals, one of whom gave her a lift to the show, to assist with her search.
Special thanks, too, to members Libby and Trevor Welsh who travelled all the way up from Dumfries to spend time with their fellow Figaro Club Members at the show.
Hopefully we will be in a position to defend our trophy in 2019!
Ken & Sandra Graham; Lorna Rae; Ann Wither; Vron & Mark Wooton; Andrew & Alison Vaughan; Ann Wardrop; James Buchan; Donnie & Marie Blair; Heather Martin; Kevin Dodd; Andy Deans (with his Saab!); Caroline Scott (still Figaro hunting!!!).