Jörg Nittke – Dashtop Restoration
Colani the Figaro …
Together with my wife I went to the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey in 2010 where I saw a Figaro parking in a street. Not knowing what car it is, I did some research It came out that it was a Figaro. It finally took 5 years, to test 2 Figaro-Dealers in Holland and I still love my decision to choose
Toine’s Garage Figarocars in Hertogenbosch, Holland. He looked out for a car in a good condition in Japan and found one at the end of 2014.
After refurbishing, painting and a lot of engine bay stuff, he brought the car on a trailer to Hannover. You should have seen the expressions on the curious neighbours faces. I did some things to change the car here and there (my aim: the Figaro should be a lot like Ting Tong, the famous car in the UK)
And now you see the result: cup-holder, nice wheels and tires, new exhaust, clean engine bay, alarm, central locking , Clarion upgrade 3 and a lot of fancy music stuff like sub-woofer and new speakers and finest leather interior.
Below are many pictures of the updates to the car