Ken Graham – Why I love my Figaro?
Three reasons – it’s so unique, it’s so similar…., and you become a member of a tremendously friendly Figaro family.
I’d never been a ‘car club’ person. Although I had always liked the Figaro and always took time to go and have a close look at any I saw. I now spend time talking to admirers doing exactly what I used to do. It was only when early retirement loomed I decided to bite the bullet and import one from Japan. I tried a weekend club rally in the Lake District, and I was hooked!
How can they be both unique and similar? Well, they’re unique in terms of design and numbers, but similar because Figaros are identical (except for a few optional extras). That similarity gives the car and its car club members a uniqueness all of their own as there’s no ‘What size of engine have you got?’ or ‘I see you’ve got the XL, well, mines an XJS!’ or whatever. We may admire what an owner has done to customise theirs (or not, as the case may be! Some can be an acquired taste, but, at the end of the day……we’re all just Figaro lovers!
Ken Graham, Glasgow
Photo below (Isle of Jura, Inner Hebrides) – Ken Graham on trip to Islay and Jura in September 2015 this could possibly have been the first ever Figaro on Jura!!