Michael & Alexandra Potts – Figgy Weekend
Words & Pictures Michael Potts. As long as I have known my wife, I have known that she wanted a Nissan Figaro. Of course, when I first heard the name I was a little concerned. Alexandra, you see, is quite the classy lady – a lawyer no less and quite the fan of the odd trip to Fortnums. Growing up in Essex, I was quite used to seeing the odd Nissan about the place, mostly driven in a state of near total led ‘pimpedupitude’ by a local boy racer. I could not imagine her doing similar. My fears were put to rest when she showed me a photo of the car. It is VERY her – the lapiz grey version even looks like it’s straight from the Fortnum’s colour palette.
In the early stages of our relationship she drove a Peugeot 207 – a nippy beast and devoted family member which was taken from us too soon in 2017. Its exhaust fell off on the way to Bexleyheath one weekend and we said our goodbyes. We replaced the 207 with a 208 in September of that year. A straight swap, one would presume – selecting the same class of vehicle in the manufacturer’s more recent range. Sadly the 208 is a terrible car – lightweight, underpowered (thanks, we are told, to some recent government regulations) and with these odd flaps behind the wheel. At six foot I am not a small man, and the amount of moulded plastic slapped onto the side doors made me feel quite claustrophobic.
Both of us have struggled to say anything nice about the 208 since its purchase, but I had resigned myself to the fact that this was our car for the foreseeable future. My wife had not, it transpires. Out of the blue three weeks ago she told me she still wanted a Figaro. So we booked a test drive with Bookham Autos two weeks ago and last Wednesday they delivered the newest addition to our family. We moved fast, but It felt like the most logical decision we’d made in ages. Alex gets a car she’s wanted for years, and I get something to learn inside and out.
Our first ride was to Broadstairs this weekend. The weather was wonderful, and we made the most of having the top down and waving our hands in the air. Despite the smaller footprint, I am happy to report I am way more comfortable sitting in this machine – something helped by the wonderful vinyl seats and classic uncluttered dashboard. The ride was smooth each way, with the biggest surprises coming from the echo one experiences under a bridge and being able to hear the sound of other car engines.
“The weather was wonderful, and we made the most of having the top down and waving our hands in the air”
We’re based in Blackheath, London so that’s where the enclosed pictures were taken. We look forward to meeting some of you at an event soon and to getting involved in the forum. I’ve a list as long as my arm of things I’m keen to tweak/replace, so I’ve really enjoyed reading member stories and the improvements section of the website.
Mike & Alexandra Potts