Badge – Bonnet Badge Replacement

If the bonnet has been painted then you will have no reference. The position for the new badge is in the centre and 22mm up from the bonnet lid
Is your bonnet badge looking tired or worst missing? Here we show you how to replace and fit a new one and where to buy it.
To buy – Click here
Here’s how to replace a worn-out hood emblem on your Nissan Figaro:
1) Using a non-scratching plastic pry bar (and a piece of cloth to protect the paint) carefully pry the emblem working your way around it.
2) Once the badge comes off, you must carefully peel away the adhesive using the pry bar.
3) Make sure to mark the position of the original emblem with a piece of tape. Degrease and clean the surface.
4) Remove the backing tape from the new emblem and carefully align it.
5) Once the emblem is in position, press it down to fix it in place.
6) Make a cup of tea!