Seats – How to remove and refit Nissan Figaro seats
Front Seat Removal
These are pretty simple, just remove the 4 x 12mm bolts and the seat will be free to take out. Just make sure when you re-insert the bolts that you do not cross-thread them by forcing the bolt to rotate when it doesn’t feel right. This can happen when the bolt is not at 90 degrees to the carpet. A good tip is to try turning the bolt with your fingers first, rather than using a spanner. If it is stiff then apply some grease to the bolts thread to help it into the tapped area.
Rear Seat Removal
If the front seats are still in place, push them as far forward as you can and then position yourself in between the two seats (see pics/video). Holding the seat base with both hands, give it a sharp tug upwards. The seat base will become free to remove. Now you will see 2 x 10mm bolts that need to be removed. Now pull up the rear seat and it will become free.
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SEAT UPHOLSTERY PAGES – Click here and Click here