Sound Deadening – By Patrick Light
Words and Pictures – Patrick Light
There are so many ways to improve a Figaro. Here member Patrick Light decided to spend £100 on improving the sound deadening with spectacular results.
I have been thinking about doing this for quite some time and have looked into many different manufacturers and Kilmat seemed to come out top of the pile. So I bought 2 boxes of Kilmat, they come in boxes of 34 sheets measuring 250mm x 400mm with coverage of 3sqm, so I thought 6sqm would be enough to cover the flooring. The total cost was £98. All that is needed for this project is a 10mm, 12mm, 14mm socket, a Philips screwdriver, a wallpaper roller, gloves, turpentine/rags, scissors/knife, 50mm aluminium tape and an end to a broom handle. Know I have bought the materials it was time to make a start.
It was a very warm Saturday morning with the roof down. Firstly, I removed the front seats which were easy to do, then removed the rear seats. The tricky part is the Centre console and the lower dash and the radio. I am no mechanic but managed it quite easily. (Have a little pot to put all your screws in to keep it safe). After removing all seats, wipe down the surface with turpentine and a rag to make sure all is degreased and very clean. As it was a very warm day I placed the Kilmat in the sun to soften the backing. Take your 1st square and place it onto the cleaned surface, it does not matter where you start BUT it must be pressed/rolled into every nook and cranny. Roller the flat bits with your wallpaper roller and then use your broom handle end to squeeze the air bubbles out of the crannies.
Kilmat will only be effective if ALL air is dispelled from any crevices. After your 1st square is laid it will be easy from there on in, just remember to roll out all of the bubbles and join your joints with aluminium foil. This was a labour of love but so so worth the effort. I took a decibel reading before and at 60mph it measured 74 and after fitting the Kilmat it measured 68.
“It is really weird as when we took her out after fitting Kilmat, Hattie just seemed to be a lot more rigid/solid”
I have yet to do the doors, which I will do at a later date, which I’m sure will improve even further! To summarise. For the sake of a little over £100 and two days labour, Hattie is now quieter, more rigid and Happy.
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