The More Than Eleven Lakes Tour Gallery – Sunday 29 May 2022
Words and Pictures: Pascal Snel
The place to be with your Figaro was Friesland, on May 29. Friesland is in the most northern part of the Netherlands. This area was for one day Figaroland. With 27 Figaro’s from attendees and the Figaro from the organization. It was a perfect day to see each other and enjoy the beauty of the Figgies.
Friesland is famous for ice skating and sailing. Most famous about Friesland is the “Elfstedentocht” Which is an ice-skating competition on nature ice which goes by 11 cities’ “The last race was already 25 years ago, all the other years the winters were too warm”
Figaro Team Holland made a road trip inspired by the “Elfstedentocht” and named the 11. The more than 11 Lakes Trip. We started in Oranjewoud, in a very nice hotel with big private parking for the Figaro’s.
9 Lapis grey, 8 Emerald green, 5 Paleaqua, 1 Topazmist for the originals and 3 Black ones, one red and one pink were shining on this parking!
We got a road book which we had to follow that brought us via all kinds of bridges, by many lakes to a nice restaurant for a good lunch.
Just in front of the restaurant was a lovely wood sawmill that gave us a nice photo opportunity. After a short briefing by the organization, the second part of the trip started and that brought us back to the hotel where we started
With a drink and a bite, we all had a nice chat with each other and the winners of the day all got a lovely trophy and present filled with local candy. To complete the day all teams got a replica of the medal that all the people who finish the “Elfstedentocht” also get, the so-called “Elfstedenkruisje”
We would like to thank Figaro Team Holland, Edwin, Tanja, Toine & Jorg for organizing the 11 Figaro Tourtocht and looking forward to number 12!
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